Kolo, Castulus; Haumer, Florian (2019). Classifying social media “influencer” in brand communication. A systematic approach on motives to post and consume based on survey data. Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing. Vol. 6, 3, p. 273-282.
Kolo, Castulus; Kunz, Reinhard; Grasemann, Lars (2019). Media Business Models in Germany. In Scholz, Chris; Wildman, Steve (eds.): Media Business Models. Lisboa: Media XXI
Kolo, Castulus; Lüst, Niklas (2019). From gamer personality via motivation to game choice – Typifying gamers and games based on survey data. Submitted to Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds.
Kolo, C., Haumer, F., et. al. (2019). AGORA 2030 (I) – Expert survey on technological advances and their potential impact on corporate and marketing communication. Macromedia Study Report sr-2019-01. München: Macromedia University of Applied Sciences.
Kolo, C., Haumer, F., & Roth, A. (2019). Influencer als Media-Entrepreneure – Survey zur Professionalisierung von postenden Co-Konsumenten bis hin zu unternehmerisch erfolgreichen Influencern. Macromedia Study Report sr-2019-02. München: Macromedia University of Applied Sciences.
Kolo, Castulus (2019). Social Media Celebrities: Empirical Approaches to a New Type of Media Content and its Entrepreneurial Relevance. Special Issue Digital Media Entrepreneurship in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Dimensions, Dilemmas, Dynamics. Journal of Creative Industry Studies.
Kolo, Castulus (2019). Digital transformation of newspaper publishing in international comparison. Newspaper Research Journal
Kolo, Castulus; Widenhorn, Stefan; Borgstedt, Anna-Lena; Eicher, David (2018). A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Motives and Patterns of Brand Recommendation in Social Media. In: International Journal of Online Marketing. Volume 8, Issue 2, April-June 2018, p. 27-44.
Kolo, Castulus & Lüst, Niklas (2018). Gamer typology based on personality and motivational footprints. Proceedings of Gaming and Entertainment Technologies (GET), IADIS Conference 2018, Madrid.
Haumer, Florian; Kolo, Castulus (2018). Anticipation of Current Trends in today’s Media Management Education. An international comparative content analysis of study programmes in major academic institutions for media education. World Media Economic and Management Conference (WMEMC) 2018 full paper, Cape Town.
Kolo, Castulus (2018) (contribution as guest analyst together with WPT editor Nel, François and WPT analyst Milburn-Curtis, Coral). 2018 World Press Trends. Darmstadt: WAN-IFRA. Online: https://www.wan-ifra.org/reports/2018/09/29/world-press-trends-2018.
Kolo, Castulus (2018). Growth of media and economic development in international perspective. Multivariate modelling and time series analysis of economic, media industries and system data from developing via emerging to mature economies. European Media Management Association (EMMA) Annual Conference 2018 full paper, Warsaw.
Kolo, Castulus (2018). Online-Medien als Innovationen: Wandel zwischen Emergenz und Disruption. In: Schweiger, Wolfgang; Beck, Klaus (Ed.): Handbuch Online-Kommunikation. 2. Vollständig überarbeitete Auflage (2nd edition). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-18017-1_13-1.
Kolo, Castulus (2018). Social media celebrities as serious media businesses. A multimethod approach to new types of content, usage patterns, and successful business models competing traditional media. World Media Economic and Management Conference (WMEMC) 2018 full paper, Cape Town.
Kolo, Castulus (2018). Strategic challenges of newspaper publishing in international perspective. A time series analysis of industry, economic, media usage, and system data. World Media Economic and Management Conference (WMEMC) 2018 full paper, Cape Town.
Kolo, Castulus; Hermann, Jochanan & Haumer, Florian (2018). Brand image and fandom of professional football clubs – An empirical study of brand characteristics and facets of fandom in social media for Germany as point in case. European Sports Management Conference (EASM), September 2018, Malmö.
Kolo, Castulus and Anastasia Christensen (2018). The potential role of newspaper publishers in a “smart city’s” mediascape. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) Annual Conference 2018, Stuttgart.
Kolo, Castulus and Florian Haumer (2018). Current Media Management Education in International Perspective. Comparative Content Analysis of Study Programs across Globally Leading Academic Institutions. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) Annual Conference 2018, Stuttgart.
Kolo, Castulus; Florian Haumer (2018). The different shades of social media “influencer” as content producer. A systematic approach to classify influencer and their impact as media entrepreneurs in the advertising and recipient market based on empirical data. European Media Management Association (EMMA) Annual Conference 2018 full paper, Warsaw.
Kolo, Castulus; Haumer, Florian (2018). Social media celebrities as brand influencer. A content and audience analysis. macromedia study report sr-2018-01.
Kolo, Castulus (2017). Social media celebrities as competitors to traditional media companies? Analysis of their content, audiences, and advertising schemes. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) Annual Conference 2017 full paper, Sao Paulo.
Kolo, Castulus (2017). Social Media. In: Krone, Jan; Pellegrini, Tassilo (Ed.): Handbuch Medienökonomie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. ISBN-10: 3658095598, ISBN-13: 978-3658095598, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-09632-8.
Kolo, Castulus (2017). Sustainability of the newspaper business in international perspective: From lost in digitalization to winning in transformation by going beyond content. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) Annual Conference 2017 full paper, Sao Paulo.
Kolo, Castulus (2016). Die Ökonomie sozialer Medien. In: Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik & Taddicken, Monika: Handbuch Soziale Medien. Wiesbaden: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-03895-3.
Kolo, Castulus (2016). A Long-term View on the Business Model of Newspaper Publishing: International Comparison and Quantitative Modelling for Germany as Case in point. Westminster Papers in Culture and Communication, 11(1), 1–20, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.217.
Kolo, Castulus (2016). Contexts of Disruption: Strategic Challenges of Newspaper Publishing in International Perspective. International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) Annual Conference 2016 full paper, Seoul.
Höflich, Joachim, Kessler, Tim, & Kolo, Castulus (2016). Experiencing smartglasses in everyday life – An empirical study on based on grounded theory. Proceedings of the ICA 2016. Fukuoka (Japan). Online: https://www.icahdq.org/conf/index.asp.
Kolo, Castulus (2015). Markenkommunikation in Social Media. Studie auf Basis einer repräsentativen Befragung in Deutschland und den USA. Webguerillas GmbH. Online: http://webguerillas.com/fileadmin/user_upload/PR_Material/201505_Macromedia_webguerillas_Markenempfehlung.pdf (siehe auch http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/blogs/aus-liebe-zur-marke-a-1042689.html).
Kolo, Castulus (2015). Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation auf das Management in Medienhäusern. Folienpräsentation auf Zeitungsverlegerkongress.
Kolo, Castulus (2015). Ökonomie sozialer Medien. In: Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik & Taddicken, Monika: Handbuch sozialer Medien. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Kolo, Castulus und Merdes, Christoph (2015). Design plus Management Thinking in Teaching Innovation. Bridging the Gap by Going back to Common Intellectual Grounds and Meeting the Same Challenge. In. Faust, Jürgen und Junginger, Sabine (Hrsg.). Design Business. Oxford: Berg Publishers.
Kolo, Castulus (2015). The intricate relationship of media business and economic development. Austral Comunicacion, Volumen 4 número 1, S. 41-64.
Kolo, Castulus (2014). From sports fandom to sports business in times of digital media – Social media as strategic imperative for major international football clubs. Proceedings of the EMMA Conference 2014, Tallin European Media Management Education Association.
Kolo, Castulus (2014). Co-evolution of national media industries and economic development? Results from a comparative research program on diverse media systems. World Media Economics & Management Conference, Rio de Janeiro. Online http://www.uerj.br/mediaconference/arquivos/11thWMEMC_Papers.pdf.
Kolo, Castulus (2014). Hoffnung für Zeitungsverlage durch Tablet & Co.? – Nutzungsmuster, Anzeigenmärkte und Rettungsversuch des Geschäftsmodells. In: Lobigs, F. (Hrsg.). Ökonomie des Journalismus. Baden- Baden: Nomos.
Kolo, Castulus & Weichert, Stephan (2014). Germany: Evaluating Alternatives to Finance Quality Journalism. In: Murschetz, Paul (Hrsg.). State Aid for Newspapers. Theories, Cases, Actions. Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 215-235.
Kolo, Castulus (2014). Qualitätsjournalismus im Spannungsfeld von Systemrelevanz und Unternehmertum. In: Mehrwert 2013 – Public Value Bericht des Verbandes Österreichischer Zeitungen. Wien: Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen. Online: www.voez.at/download.php?id=1486.
Kolo, Castulus und Park, Yoon-Yin (2013). Models explaining gaming behavior – A theoretical review and empirical study across different games. In: Proceedings of the International IADIS Conference “Gaming and Entertainment Technologies 2013”, Praha.
Kolo, Castulus (2013). Unternehmensführung und Strategie. In: Schneider, Martin (Hrsg.). Digitale Innovationen – Crossmediale Strategien. Sammelband: Management von Medienunternehmen. Wiesbaden: Springer. S. 185-224.
Kolo, Castulus (2013). The League of Likes: Dynamik der Fanaktivitäten großer Fußballvereine in Social Media. In: Hebbel-Seeger, A., Horky, Th. (Hrsg.). Sport und Ökonomie. Baden- Aachen: Meyer & Meyer Verlag. S. 11-27.
Kolo, Castulus (2012). Unter Kannibalen? – Rück- und Ausblick auf ein sich wandelndes Verhältnis von Print- und Online-Verlagsangeboten. In: Studies in Communication | Media. SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012, S. 67-111. Online: http://www.scm.nomos.de/fileadmin/scm/doc/SCM_12_01_01.pdf.
Kolo, Castulus und Reimar Müller (2012). Economic value creation and media industries – A quantitative comparative study across media systems and national economies. In: Kolo, Castulus, Döbler, Thomas und Rademacher, Lars (Hrsg.). Wertschöpfung durch Medien im Wandel. Baden- Baden: Nomos.
Kolo, Castulus und Woll, Anna (2012): The Age of Porn? – Überlegungen zu einer Medienökonomie der Erwachsenenunterhaltung. In: Müller-Lietzkow, Jörg (Hrsg.): Ökonomie, Qualität und Management von Unterhaltungsmedien. Baden- Baden: Nomos.
Kolo, Castulus (2012). Innovation management, creative industries, design thinking and the domestication of A-Ha-moments. Proceedings of the International Design Business Conference, Barcelona 2011.
Kolo, Castulus (2012): CP im Zeichen der Medienkonvergenz. In: Höflich, Michael, Scholz, Ralph und Freese, Walter (Hrsg.): Praxishandbuch Corporate Publishing. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Kolo, Castulus, Döbler, Thomas und Rademacher, Lars (2012). Wertschöpfung und Medien. Versuch einer Einordnung von Perspektive, Konzepten und Begrifflichkeit. In: Kolo, Castulus, Döbler, Thomas und Rademacher, Lars (Hrsg.). Wertschöpfung durch Medien im Wandel. Baden- Baden: Nomos, S. 9-18.
Kolo, Castulus (2011): Ein Abgesang in mehreren Strophen? – Die Auswirkungen des technologischen Wandels auf die Medienhäuser. In: Sonderbeilage 175 Jahre AZ Medien. Mittwoch, 9. November 2011. S. 66-67. Online: http://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/175-jahre-az-medien.
Kolo, Castulus (2010): Zeitungskrise und Zeitungszukunft – Modellierung von Entwicklungsszenarien vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener Subventionierungsvorschläge. In: Gundlach, Hardy (Hrsg.): Public Value in der Digital- und Internetökonomie. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
Kolo, Castulus und Breiter, Andreas (2009): An Integrative Model of the Dynamics of ICT-based Innovations in Education. In: Digital Culture and Education, Volume 1, Issue 2, [Online-Journal]. Verfügbar (28.12.2009): http://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/volume-2/an-integrative-model-for-the-dynamics-of-ict-based-innovations-in-education/.
Kolo, Castulus und Meyer-Lucht, Robin (2007): Erosion der Intensivleserschaft – Eine Zeitreihenanalyse zum Konkurrenzverhältnis von Tageszeitungen und Nachrichtensites. In: Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 2007 Heft 4.
Kolo, Castulus (2006): The hidden dynamics of print-online competition in classified advertising markets. Electronic Markets, Vol. 15, No. 3.
Kolo, Castulus und Vogt, Patrick (2004): Traditional Media Brands and their Internet Spin-offs – Levers for Online Success. In: International Journal on Media Management, Vol. 6, No. I&II.
Kolo, Castulus und Vogt, Patrick (2004): Strategies for Growth in the Media and Communications Industry: Does Size Really Matter? In: International Journal on Media Management, Vol. 5, No. IV.