Digital transformation today outreaches by far the area of technology. New applications in the context of “big data”, automation, networking or “augmented reality” change not only consumer behavior, but more generally the role of each stakeholder of a company.
In the course of these changes new structures of added value emerge, new business models replace traditional ones and with “digital eco systems” such as Google, Apple, Facebook and others, new types of players appear.
The media were among the first industries affected by digital transformation. Today no business sector remains unaffected. Although the velocity of these changes has often been underestimated, for their own benefit, companies are forced to act quickly.
Firstly, the company has to understand which forces cause the changes they are affected by, and secondly, the company has to know how well they are prepared for these changes. Together with our research team we will support you with different foresight-methods, from foresight workshops to complex scenario development as well as systematic evaluation of your “digital transformation readiness”.